
I'm just a guy that enjoys drawing, writing and singing

About good ol' me

Why hello there, my name is Cramathonn, but you can call me Cram or Siff. Here are a couple of things you should know about me:
→ My pronouns are He/him, They/them, It/It's & Bomb/Bomb's/Bombself;
→ I'm non-binary transmasc & bisexual;
→ I am 19;
→ I play games such as ZZZ, Project Sekai, Arknights, WuWa, Enstars and many others;
→ I'm a writer, artist, singer and aspiring VA;
→ Hopefully will start streaming as a PNGTuber soon...

Rules when interacting

My interaction rules are rather simple: be nice & respectful!
Please don't use she/her with me, as it makes me exrremely uncomfortable.
And keep scrolling if you don't like what I do! Let's all respect each other and our different likes and dislikes.
Tumblr specific:
Female readers please only interact with my gender neutral content, since my male reader content is specifically for male readers, thank you very much

Socials & Contact